"Dr. Nik" - Vesna Nikodijevic, MD, FAAP

I am a Board Certified pediatrician and a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. I graduated from University of Novi Sad, Serbia, where I earned my Medical Degree and Masters Degree in Epidemiology. My residency program in Pediatrics was completed at the State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Children’s Hospital.

My career started as an Epidemiologist working on various studies: testing immunity of children to diphtheria and monitoring Lyme disease and HIV prevalence. That experience has helped me tremendously in my current practice.

At the time my first daughter was born I realized I enjoyed being with children and decided to continue my professional career as a pediatrician. After three years of pediatric residency training at the State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Children’s Hospital, I became a pediatrician and have been in the pediatric practice ever since.

I enjoy all areas of general pediatrics, but I have a special interest in taking care of newborns and helping new parents in adjusting to their new lifestyle. Being a mother myself, I treat every child as my own. Watching my patients grow is a tremendous joy to me.

Before I opened my practice in Bernardsville, I practiced six years in Chatham NJ. To open my own practice was a very long dream. Today, this dream is a reality. I love what I do. I balance my time between my practice and my home in Madison, which I enjoy sharing with my husband, our two daughters, and our chocolate Labrador Retriever, JoJo.

All my patients know me as "Dr. Nik", and I am happy and grateful to be a part of your children’s lives. Thanks to you and your votes I have been voted "New Jersey Favorite Kids' Doc" by New Jersey Family magazine! Thank you all for placing your trust in me.

How to pronounce Dr. Nik's last name

My name can be a bit complicated to pronounce and a lot of my patients ask me how to pronounce it.

So, here it goes:

Nee • Koh • Dee • Yeh • Vich

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